Tenants FAQ
We've made a lot of useful answers to the most common questions:
​Do you require an application fee?
Yes. Each adult over the age of 18 years old who intends to live in the rental property must complete and submit a rental application. The cost for processing the application is $40 per adult.
What are the criteria used for approving an application?
When you submit a rental application you are allowing us to perform a background search. We are attempting to determine the likelihood of your paying the rent on time, and whether you will take proper care of the property and fulfill your lease obligations. The three main factors we consider are your credit report, landlord/mortgage history, and your employment and income verification While your credit does not have to be spotless, it is important that you do not show a pattern of paying your bills late or not at all. For more detailed information on our rental qualification requirements, please refer to our Pet and Rental Qualification Guidelines form.
How can I know what are my obligation as a tenant?
To better understand your obligations you should read carefully the handbook and the contract. Here are some of your obligations:
Paying the rent.
Paying the cost of any utilities that the lease requires you to pay.
Using your apartment only as a private residence for yourself and the members of your household who are named in the lease.
Not subleasing or transferring use of your apartment to someone else.`
Not providing accommodations to boarders or lodgers.
Keeping your apartment clean, safe, and sanitary.
Properly storing and disposing of all garbage and other waste.
Allowing the Landlord/Property management access to your apartment for inspection or routine maintenance after you have received 48 hours notice.
Allowing the Landlord/Property management access to your apartment if you requested a repair, after reasonable notice to you.
Allowing your landlord access to your apartment on an emergency basis.
Following rules and policies established by the community that are reasonable.
Paying reasonable charges for the repair of damages to your apartment or the building that were caused by you, your guests, or members of your household.